tiistai 12. helmikuuta 2013

Nyt se on valmis! It's finished!

Yes! Now I can say my log hut is finished, not nearly finished, not almost finished, but FINISHED! It took three and a half years, but now it's finished! The building inspector comes tomorrow to check my log work. I hope everything is all right.
Here's some photos:

South corner. Aitta etelästä päin nähtynä. Komee on!

I cant believe I have managed to make such a cute little window!

Two cute little windows, actually!

Upstairs interior.

Northeast wall. Koilispääty.

Final touch: skirting boards.

The hut and builder.

An annoying flaw. Harmillinen rakennusvirhe. Kattolaudat ovat turvonneet ja pullahtaneet irti harjalta.

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